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Holiday Shopping Terms and Conditions

By submitting this form, Requestor agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions.
  • Requestor agrees to pay a service fee of $49.95 to CHERUB Nannies upon requesting Holiday shopping services.
  • Holiday shopping request must be reasonable, as determined by CHERUB Nannies.
  • Shopping item(s) can not be over 20 lbs.
  • Shopper's rates are $25 per hour.  Minimum of two hours. 
  • Requestor agrees to pay holiday shopper at end of errand, and/or upon delivery of requested item.
  • Requestor is advised and cognizant that traffic conditions and increased store patrons during the holidays can delay your shopper's activity.  Please remember to allow extra time to process your shopping request.

Start your Holiday shopping now!



CHERUB Nannies | 2019. All Rights Reserved.