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Read what satisfied parents are saying about CHERUB Nannies!

A repeat customer had this to say about CHERUB Nannies .....
"I was in contact with you 2 years ago for a babysitter and you placed one of your nannies with me.  She worked out fantastically!"

I am now finished with my degree and am going back to work and I immediately thought of CHERUB Nannies."
More client testimonies...
"Our new nanny is great.  As a first time Mom, "I'm already learning so much from her". -  Fairfax Mom
"We were very pleased.  Your nanny was very good. She was punctual and very organized..."loving and whole hearted ...fully prepared".   "Thanks for connecting us with your nanny, and please pass on our appreciation..."
- Boston, MA Mom
"Your nanny is GREAT - I've informed my friend about your service." -  Tysons Corner Mom
"Thank you for keeping our facility staffed with CHERUB Nannies nannies" - K.N. Washngton, D.C.
We're thrilled to have found CHERUB Nannies.  We now have a social life!" - S. M., Washington, D.C.
An honest service." - S., Potomac, MD
Our nanny was on time, courteous and professional.  My son actually fell asleep in our nanny's arms.  Something that rarely happens anymore!" - K.N., Washington, D.C.
"Thank you for providing such a professional service" - K.S., Springfield, VA
"We just moved to the area.  CHEURB Nannies helped take the worry out of finding a nanny for us!" -  B. F.,  Fairfax, VA
"I was really satisfied with the quality of nanny choices provided to us by CHERUB Nannies." - A. H., Alexandria, VA
"We use CHERUB Nannies when visiting our friends in the D.C. area.  CHERUB Nannies always comes through for us!" - K.W., San Diego, CA
"I have recommended CHERUB Nannies to my co-workers and friends." - D.A., Potomac, MD

Thank you parents!

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